Aug 13, 2010

20 Hard Core SEO Tips

For those of you loyal readers who wish I would just take a break from the theoretical musings, here is the type of list of SEO tips I rarely give out. You may have seen some or all of these ideas before but I’ll explain some of the benefits for each tip below.

20 Hard Core SEO Tips – The List

  1. Redesign your Web site once or twice a year.
  2. Add 5 pages of content to your site every week.
  3. Change the titles on your least successful pages twice a year.
  4. Stop using keywords in your URLs.
  5. Stop using keywords in your titles.
  6. Find 3 SEO forums that accept site review requests and write 20 reviews in each forum before you ever ask a question.
  7. Create your own SEO book by collecting your favorite SEO forum and blog posts, newsletter articles, and tech tips in a .PDF file that you review once a month.
  8. Create a new SEO book once each year, replacing the one you just created in the previous step.
  9. Optimize your best peforming page for the exact mirror of your targeted keyword expression (turn an ABCD page into a DCBA page).
  10. Find 5 low-traffic blogs or forums that are consistently active and support them through comments, links, and referrals WITHOUT being self-promotional.
  11. Write 10 blocks of ad copy (no more than 25 words each) every week. Place them on the Web where they won’t offend anyone.
  12. Write 1 full-page announcement about your Web site each week. Post it some place where it won’t offend anyone.
  13. Get a text editor like Wordpad (the fewer frills the better) and use it to code one of your Web pages from scratch.
  14. Learn how to write Who, What, Where, When, and Why in 4 paragraphs or less.
  15. Create a 1-page listing of 20 UNKNOWN Web sites you wish you had created. Post that page on your site.
  16. Create a forum signature that does not promote your Web site. Put it into every forum profile you have created.
  17. Design a 5-10 page Web site about a community project or charitable activity. Promote that site to number 1. Now repeat the process without changing or building more links for your first site.
  18. Find a niche directory you have never heard of before that you feel is honestly listing unique, useful Web sites. Promote that niche directory through links and comments on your own sites until you see improvement in its Compete, Quantcast, and Alexa metrics.
  19. Find a friend or relative who has no clue about Web sites and persuade him or her to create a Web site. You must restrain yourself and ONLY give advice on how to build and promote the site.
  20. Define a metric that uses from three to five factors OTHER THAN Google PageRank, Alexa Rankings, Compete Rankings, Quantcast Rankings, and backlink counts. Use this metric to track five to ten sites you don’t control for six months.

20 Hard Core SEO Tips – The Explanations

Change is the only constant you can count on in search engine optimization. Although we often say that the fundamental principles of search engine optimization don’t change, pretty much everything else does. If you want to be really, really good at this, you cannot be inflexible. You cannot afford the luxury of becoming emotionally bonded to any particular idea.

Redesign your Web site once or twice a year. Why? Because you’ll find things you broke the last time around and you’ll be able to fix them. Because you’ll finally be able to tweak the optimization for pages you have known could do better but for which you never found the time to do anything. Because you’ll have an opportunity to improve your visitor experience and make your presentation more competitive (but avoid the “Web X.0 pitfall” — don’t marry your site to any particular concept).

Add 5 pages of content to your site every week. Why? Because it gives you opportunities to expand your search visibility. Because it gives you opportunities for more free links that actually help. Because it gives you opportunities to try out new ideas. Because it increases the value of your Web site.

Change the titles on your least successful pages twice a year. Why? Because obviously those titles weren’t helping your least successful pages.

Stop using keywords in your URLs. Why? Because if you don’t know how to optimize a page without slamming keywords into the URLs, you don’t know how to optimize a Web page.

Stop using keywords in your titles. Why? Because if you don’t know how to optimize a Web page without stuffing your title, then you don’t know how to optimize a Web page. Titles and URLs are options, not requirements, in search engine optimization. Learn to understand and fully appreciate the difference between being able to do something and needing to do something.

Find 3 SEO forums that accept site review requests and write 20 reviews in each forum before you ever ask a question. Why? Because looking at someone else’s mistakes and brilliant ideas with an unemotional, critical, helpful point of view will only help improve your own self-analysis. Keep your ideas and opinions to yourself. Just share your feedback on how other people’s sites look. You’ll learn more faster by helping with your honest, gut-level reactions than by helping forum idiots attack people whose ideas they don’t agree with. You’ll also look more professional, too.

Create your own SEO book by collecting your favorite SEO forum and blog posts, newsletter articles, and tech tips in a .PDF file that you review once a month. Why? So you have all your favorite advice in one easy-to-read-and-search compendium. Don’t sell it. Just use it.

Create a new SEO book once each year, replacing the one you just created in the previous step. Why? Because after a year of using all the advice you put in the previous one you’ll have a far better idea of just how much crap and bullshit you’re getting from SEO blogs and forums. But that also means your next SEO book will be ten times better than the last.

Optimize your best peforming page for the exact mirror of your targeted keyword expression (turn an ABCD page into a DCBA page). Why? You can’t do better than to nail the number 1 position for a query, so why not aim for a second query? If you can optimize a page forwards and backwards, you should be able to handle just about anything.

Find 5 low-traffic blogs or forums that are consistently active and support them through comments, links, and referrals WITHOUT being self-promotional. Why? It teaches you just how hard it is to build a good community, and maybe you’ll appreciate what “good community” really means before you act like an ass in an SEO forum or blog and flame someone else for disagreeing with you. But there is another reason. Keep reading to see if you can find it in the explanations given below.

Write 10 blocks of ad copy (no more than 25 words each) every week. Place them on the Web where they won’t offend anyone. Why? Because you can never write too many advertisements. Your audience is always changing. Your venues are always changing. And GOOD ad copy (not the cheap, shlocky crap you see most of the time) makes GREAT meta description tags. BTW — you should write that ad copy for sites other than your own until you learn to stop using cheap, shlocky crap expressions like “Proudly announces”, “pleased to admit”, “best prices”, etc. Be informative. Be compelling. Be classy.

Write 1 full-page announcement about your Web site each week. Post it some place where it won’t offend anyone. Why? Because you should spend some time promoting your site while you learn how to become a better search optimizer. Besides, practice makes perfect.

Get a text editor like Wordpad (the fewer frills the better) and use it to code one of your Web pages from scratch. Why? Because when you’ve seen just how stupid your templated CSS code really is, you’ll begin to understand why ugly works better than pretty.

Learn how to write Who, What, Where, When, and Why in 4 paragraphs or less. Why? Because you should never write a press release that starts out with, “John Shlock Smith the Shmuck proudly announces….”

Create a 1-page listing of 20 UNKNOWN Web sites you wish you had created. Post that page on your site. Why? Because it’s an opportunity for you to create an honest, sincere resource that no one else on the Web has the ability to create. Because people are actually more interested in your opinion of OTHER people’s Web sites than your opinion of your own Web sites. Because if you haven’t found 20 sites you wish you had created that no one else has talked about in your regular Web communities, you need to spend less time with your buds and more time with the rest of the Web.

Create a forum signature that does not promote your Web site. Put it into every forum profile you have created. Why? Because it makes you look confident, professional, and less like a shlocky self-promotional shmuck who doesn’t know what forums are for. More importantly, it will teach you to write compelling content (think of those 25-word advertisements I mentioned above).

Design a 5-10 page Web site about a community project or charitable activity. Promote that site to number 1. Now repeat the process without changing or building more links for your first site. Why? Because you’ll never compete with anyone harder to beat than yourself.

Find a niche directory you have never heard of before that you feel is honestly listing unique, useful Web sites. Promote that niche directory through links and comments on your own sites until you see improvement in its Compete, Quantcast, and Alexa metrics. Why? Because you need to know what it takes to become an influencer without cheating through social media Web site spam.

Find a friend or relative who has no clue about Web sites and persuade him or her to create a Web site. You must restrain yourself and ONLY give advice on how to build and promote the site. Why? Because I’ve had to suffer through the frustration of not being able to take the computer away from someone who wants to do it their own way. Misery loves company. Besides, it teaches us to be humble and appreciate the people who at least listen half the time.

Define a metric that uses from three to five factors OTHER THAN Google PageRank, Alexa Rankings, Compete Rankings, Quantcast Rankings, and backlink counts. Use this metric to track five to ten sites you don’t control for six months. Why? Because you need a competitive advantage that you cannot possibly get from using someone’s backlink checking tool. Because you need to understand and appreciate that there is more to the Web than links. Because you need to be one step ahead of the other guy, who may very well have his own metrics in place before you even get started.

20 Hard Core SEO Tips – What They Mean

You have to keep moving forward. When you stop learning about search engine optimization the idea of getting back into the game becomes overwhelming. Worse, if you become dependent upon any one tip or technique, you hobble yourself in ways you cannot possibly imagine.

Let the idiots spend their days arguing in the SEO blogs and forums. They don’t need your help to look stupid.

You can learn from other people by watching them, helping them, promoting their sites, and putting the community ahead of yourself. They won’t always appreciate what you do. But you can knock a self-promotional shmuck out of the search results any day of the week if you know more about search engine optimization than he does.

You get to that point by doing it, not by talking about it in SEO blogs and forums.


by Michael Martinez


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Aug 11, 2010

95 SEO Tips and Tricks for Powerful Search Engine Optimization

Ninety-five SEO tips and tricks you should and should not be doing on your Web pages to make them rank higher in search engines. This list looks at more than just meta tags and the basics of SEO, so even if you've got some of the factors, you may not have everything. Scroll to the end of the list to look at the things you should never be doing, as well as the things you should always do at the beginning.

Write great content (HIGH PRIORITY)

Great content is where it all starts. You can have all the keywords in the world, but if your content is no good, people won't stick around on your site and search engines won't find your site valuable.

Write unique content (HIGH PRIORITY)

Unique content is important too. You need to provide content that has different information than what is on other sites and other Web pages.

Add new content all the time (HIGH PRIORITY)

Sites that have new content added on a regular basis are seen as more reliable than sites that rarely do. This also helps you to increase the amount of relevant content on your site, which also improves your rankings.

Create a great keyword phrase (HIGH PRIORITY)

The first thing you should do when working on search engine optimization is find a great keyword phrase for that page. You shouldn't try to optimize your entire site to one keyword phrase - instead focus on writing pages for specific keywords and phrases.

Choose a phrase that is popular, but not too popular (HIGH PRIORITY)

When trying to decide on a keyword phrase, you want to find one that is popular but not extremely popular. This may seem counter-intuitive, but the reality is that extremely popular keywords are very desirable and so very competitive. It's better to try to optimize for keywords that you can rank higher. You'll get more pageviews from a less popular keyword when you're on the first or second page of the search engines, than from a super popular keyword that you only make it to page 50 of search engines.

Write an accessible site (HIGH PRIORITY)

Accessible HTML is accessible to both search engine spiders and screen readers. The more accessible you make your pages, the easier it will be for search engines to read and rank your pages.

Use the keyword phrase in your title tag (HIGH PRIORITY)

The title tag is one of the most important tags on your Web page. And placing your keyword phrase in the title tag, preferably at the beginning, is very important to get that phrase into the search engines. Plus, that puts your keyword phrase as the link in the search engine index.

Get a domain with your keyword phrase (HIGH PRIORITY)

Putting your keyword phrase in your domain name is a great way to optimize for that phrase.

Use the keyword phrase in your URL (HIGH PRIORITY)

Even if you can't get your keywords into your domain name, you can put them into your URLs. Search engines read the URLs and assign value to the text they find there.

Use your keyword phrase a lot, but not too much (HIGH PRIORITY)

The ratio of your keywords to the rest of the text on your page is called the keyword density. It's important to repeat your keywords in your document, but not too much. Keyword density should be between 3 and 7% for your primary keyword phrase and 1-2% for any secondary keywords or keyword phrases.

Things You Should and Shouldn't Do for SEO

By , Guide


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Aug 9, 2010

SEO Tips using Facebook

everyone knows the massive pulling power of facebook on the web. Though till recently, it has not had any great uses for internet marketings as it lacked the search engine pulling power no great viral pulling power..

Now this has all Changed. Facebook has implemented PAGES!!

Why am I so excited about this?

1. We now have the ability to name the pages we create on is an amazingly powerful website in Google. Now we have the ability to leverage this awesome power by creating Pages, just like the one you are on now. Meaning, we can put the title of our page at the top of any page we create in Facebook. The title Is one of the main factors in determining a listing in the Search Engine.

2. Putting our great keyword rich title on the page, also creates an internal page on using these words in the URL of the page. 2nd massive bonus :) Having your niche in the name of the internal page is another strong factor into getting listed highly in the Search Engine.

These two points above are enough to be able to target nice long tailed keyword phrases, and have them ranking highly in Google :-)

For members of my (a) you've got your great keyword phrases in the title and URL, and have a great URL to stick in the software to produce 100's of quality backlinks in just 1 hour. My BF members using the power of and the enormous strength of in Google will be now able to target the much more competitive terms, that obviously make us more income.

Though this is not all of it.. see No 3 below.

3. The Viral Aspect mentioned above.
See on this page you are reading now.
There is the link

Become a Fan.

Please Click on this link Now.

This is where it really gets interesting.

By becoming a fan of this page. Whenever I update this page with more SEO Tips. Your facebook wall will be updated. So I now have an excellent medium to distribute this SEO Tips Information. (btw, notice how I'm dropping my main keyword phrase within my text? "seo tips" , helps with onpage seo for the search engines, plz do the same)

Plus. Being a fan of this page, whenever I update this page. You get this update on your wall, and heres where it gets really exciting from a viral perspective, this update from this page, is then distributed to all YOUR Friends walls as well.. alerting them to something very cool being updated on this page.

This spreads the info Im sharing here, plus shares between friends of fans this page URL. This is the massive Viral component to using Pages on Facebook for viral marketing, additionally, this could have a positive effect on internal linking on facebook, giving even more SEO love to this page in

This is very new and hot off the press. So make sure you become a fan by clicking on the link top of page, so you get the next tips, most likely on design and how to maximise this to sell products.
Seo Tips by Peter Drew

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Aug 7, 2010

Small Is Beautiful 21 Essential SEO Tips & Techniques

Small businesses are growing more aware of the need to understand and implement at least the basics of search engine optimization. But if you read a variety of small businesses blogs and Web sites, you’ll quickly see that there’s a lot of uncertainty over what makes up “the basics.” Without access to high-level consulting and without a lot of experience knowing what SEO resources can be trusted, there’s also a lot of misinformation about SEO strategies and tactics.

This article is the second in a two-part SEO checklist specifically for small business owners and webmasters. Last week, I shared 20 “don’ts.” Naturally, this week addresses the “Do’s”—things to make sure you include whether you’re hiring an SEO company or doing it yourself.

Small Business SEO Checklist: The Do’s

1. Commit yourself to the process. SEO isn’t a one-time event. Search engine algorithms change regularly, so the tactics that worked last year may not work this year. SEO requires a long-term outlook and commitment.

2. Be patient. SEO isn’t about instant gratification. Results often take months to see, and this is especially true the smaller you are, and the newer you are to doing business online.

3. Ask a lot of questions when hiring an SEO company. It’s your job to know what kind of tactics the company uses. Ask for specifics. Ask if there are any risks involved. Then get online yourself and do your own research—about the company, about the tactics they discussed, and so forth.

4. Become a student of SEO. If you’re taking the do-it-yourself route, you’ll have to become a student of SEO and learn as much as you can. Luckily for you, there are plenty of great Web resources (like Search Engine Land) and several terrific books you can read. Aaron Wall’s SEO Book, Jennifer Laycock’s Small Business Guide to Search Engine Marketing, and Search Engine Optimization: An Hour a Day by Jennifer Grappone and Gradiva Couzin are three I’ve read and recommend.

5. Have web analytics in place at the start. You should have clearly defined goals for your SEO efforts, and you’ll need web analytics software in place so you can track what’s working and what’s not.

6. Build a great web site. I’m sure you want to show up on the first page of results. Ask yourself, “Is my site really one of the 10 best sites in the world on this topic?” Be honest. If it’s not, make it better.

7. Include a site map page. Spiders can’t index pages that can’t be crawled. A site map will help spiders find all the important pages on your site, and help the spider understand your site’s hierarchy. This is especially helpful if your site has a hard-to-crawl navigation menu. If your site is large, make several site map pages. Keep each one to less than 100 links. I tell clients 75 is the max to be safe.

8. Make SEO-friendly URLs. Use keywords in your URLs and file names, such as Don’t overdo it, though. A file with 3+ hyphens tends to look spammy and users may be hesitant to click on it. Related bonus tip: Use hyphens in URLs and file names, not underscores. Hyphens are treated as a “space,” while underscores are not.

9. Do keyword research at the start of the project. If you’re on a tight budget, use the free versions of Keyword Discovery or WordTracker, both of which also have more powerful paid versions. Ignore the numbers these tools show; what’s important is the relative volume of one keyword to another. Another good free tool is Google’s AdWords Keyword Tool, which doesn’t show exact numbers.

10. Open up a PPC account. Whether it’s Google’s AdWords or Yahoo’s Search Marketing or something else, this is a great way to get actual search volume for your keywords. Yes, it costs money, but if you have the budget it’s worth the investment. It’s also the solution if you didn’t like the “Be patient” suggestion above and are looking for instant visibility.

11. Use a unique and relevant title and meta description on every page. The page title is the single most important on-page SEO factor. It’s rare to rank highly for a primary term (2-3 words) without that term being part of the page title. The meta description tag won’t help you rank, but it will often appear as the text snippet below your listing, so it should include the relevant keyword(s) and be written so as to encourage searchers to click on your listing. Related bonus tip: You can ignore the Keywords meta altogether if you’d like; it’s close to inconsequential. If you use it, put misspellings in there, and any related keywords that don’t appear on the page.

12. Write for users first. Google, Yahoo, etc., have pretty powerful bots crawling the web, but to my knowledge these bots have never bought anything online, signed up for a newsletter, or picked up the phone to call about your services. Humans do those things, so write your page copy with humans in mind. Yes, you need keywords in the text, but don’t stuff each page like a Thanksgiving turkey. Keep it readable.

13. Create great, unique content. This is important for everyone, but it’s a particular challenge for online retailers. If you’re selling the same widget that 50 other retailers are selling, and everyone is using the boilerplate descriptions from the manufacturer, this is a great opportunity. Write your own product descriptions, using the keyword research you did earlier (see #9 above) to target actual words searchers use, and make product pages that blow the competition away. Plus, retailer or not, great content is a great way to get inbound links.

14. Use your keywords as anchor text when linking internally. Anchor text helps tells spiders what the linked-to page is about. Links that say “click here” do nothing for your search engine visibility.

15. Build links intelligently. Submit your site to quality, trusted directories such as Yahoo, DMOZ,, Aviva, and Best of the web. Seek links from authority sites in your industry. If local search matters to you (more on that coming up), seek links from trusted sites in your geographic area—the Chamber of Commerce, etc. Analyze the inbound links to your competitors to find links you can acquire, too.

16. Use press releases wisely. Developing a relationship with media covering your industry or your local region can be a great source of exposure, including getting links from trusted media web sites. Distributing releases online can be an effective link building tactic, and opens the door for exposure in news search sites. Related bonus tip: Only issue a release when you have something newsworthy to report. Don’t waste journalists’ time.

17. Start a blog and participate with other related blogs. Search engines, Google especially, love blogs for the fresh content and highly-structured data. Beyond that, there’s no better way to join the conversations that are already taking place about your industry and/or company. Reading and commenting on other blogs can also increase your exposure and help you acquire new links. Related bonus tip: Put your blog at so your main domain gets the benefit of any links to your blog posts. If that’s not possible, use

18. Use social media marketing wisely. If your small business has a visual element, join the appropriate communities on Flickr and post high-quality photos there. If you’re a service-oriented business, use Yahoo Answers to position yourself as an expert in your industry. With any social media site you use, the first rule is don’t spam! Be an active, contributing member of the site. The idea is to interact with potential customers, not annoy them.

19. Take advantage of local search opportunities. Online research for offline buying is a growing trend. Optimize your site to catch local traffic by showing your address and local phone number prominently. Write a detailed Directions/Location page using neighborhoods and landmarks in the page text. Submit your site to the free local listings services that the major search engines offer. Make sure your site is listed in local/social directories such as CitySearch, Yelp,, etc., and encourage customers to leave reviews of your business on these sites, too.

20. Take advantage of the tools the search engines give you. Sign up for Google’s webmaster Central and Yahoo’s Site Explorer to learn more about how the search engines see your site, including how many inbound links they’re aware of.

21. Diversify your traffic sources. Google may bring you 70% of your traffic today, but what if the next big algorithm update hits you hard? What if your Google visibility goes away tomorrow? Newsletters and other subscriber-based content can help you hold on to traffic/customers no matter what the search engines do. In fact, many of the DOs on this list—creating great content, starting a blog, using social media and local search, etc.—will help you grow an audience of loyal prospects and customers that may help you survive the whims of search engines.

Just like last week, this list could continue well beyond these 21 “DOs.” Your additions are welcome in the comments.

With this checklist and last week’s list of “Don’ts,” you should be able to develop a good plan of attack for your SEO efforts for your small business.

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Aug 5, 2010

Top 20 SEO Tips & Guidelines

1. If you don?t want too much competition from other SEO?s, choose your keywords precisely.
For example, Instead of keyowrd Loan choose keywords like Bank Loan, Equity Loan, Student Loan, Home Loan etc.
Order of keyword also matter for search engines. Search engine treats ?Loan Equity? and ?Equity Loan? as different keywords.

2. Best seo practice is to get at least one of your primary keywords in domain or sub domain name of your website.
You can use hyphens (-) to separate multiple keywords.
For example: seo-service, seo-guidelines, free-seo each cover two keyords.

3. Get your second or third keywords in your directory name and filename.
For example is best for keyword ?free seo tips? , ?seo hidden tricks? or "free seo tricks"

4. Keep your webpage free from any syntax error, declare document type at the beginning and validate your HTML and CSS because search engine don?t like pages with too many errors.

5. Give a short Title in of your page in 3-9 words (60-80 characters) maximum in length containing your primary keyword.
Remember it will be displayed in search results so choose wisely.

6. Try to include your most important keyword phrases in heading tags on your page if you can but keep in mind it should not be exactly same as title of your page.
You can use (H1 H2 H3) tag for specifying anything important.
To reduce size of heading use CSS.

7. Specify Meta keywords in heading of document. Limit it to 15 to 20 words. Although not all the search engines give importance but there is no harm doing it.
Search engine like Yahoo still give it importance.

8. Write Your Meta Description tag attractive containing keywords because it will appear on the search engine result pages.

9. Use text for navigation menu instead of using images or Java scripts.

10. Try to include your most important keyword in hyperlinked text and text and text that immediately precedes or follows the hyperlink.
Do not use same keyword always use synonyms at few places.
Jusk like instead of seo, I have use search engine optimization at many places on this page.

11. If you are using images then use ?alt? attribute to describe your image with proper keyword.

12. One of the best webmaster guideline is to submit sitemap of your website to make sure all pages of your website are indexed by search engine crawlers.

13. Keep size of your webpages less than 50KB so it is downloaded fast and visitors don?t have to wait for long.
For good SEO site page size ideal should be 15KB.

14. Try to avoid your content in Flash, frame, images, java script because crawler find it very difficult and it is against seo tips and guidelines.

15. Don?t use dynamic url because it don?t contain keywords so its not search engine friendly.
If you are using any script which shows dynamic pages then make sure at least it should include one keyword.

16. Don?t try to spam and never use methods like cloaking, keyword spamming or doorway pages.
Many seo advices to have multiple domain name and link each other but according to our SEO tips and guidelines search engine can penalize you for this.
Instead of that try to add more quality content to your existing website.

17. Submit your website only once to google, Yahoo, AltaVista and other search engines and open directory.
Don?t use any script or website for automatic submission.

18. If your website contents changes very often then provide visitor with Newsletter and RSS feed.

19. Write articles on website related to yours having higher page ranking and leave your websites link.

20. Get link from other sites related to yours, search engine consider it as vote in your favour.

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Aug 3, 2010

Negitive Keyword Research For Google Adwords Campaigns

In my day many clients of asked me what negitive keywords are, why they are important, what why does it take so long to identify what they are. Here is one of my methiods to identify negitive keywords.

Remember, Google defines Negitive Keywords as

“Negative keywords are a core component of a successful keyword list. Adding a negative keyword to your ad group or campaign means that your ads won’t show for search queries containing that term. By filtering out unwanted impressions, negative keywords can help you reach the most appropriate prospects, reduce your cost-per-click (CPC), and increase your ROI. ” Source -

1) Think of the keyword that you want to target. In this example, lets use “chiropractor”

2) Go to the Google Keyword Tool and type in “chiropractor”. This will generate a list of all keywords using the word “chiropractor” in it. Five of the keywords that were returned are:

chiropractor directory
atlas chiropractor
palmer chiropractor

Now i know SEO…..I dont know anything about chiropractors. But i do know that the local chiropractor that i repersent would not want to pay for keywords like “chiropractor directory”, or “palmer chiropractor”. Using this example the negitive keywords that i found were:

1) palmer

2) atlas

3) directory
These negitive keywords took me minutes to find, and will save my client a log of coin. However, the complexity of the pay per click campaign will be a direct cost driver for negitive keyword research. We reviewed one example that found five keywords. My client might be targeting keywords like “headache” or “neck pain”. Both keywords would lead to a considerable amount of negitive keyword research.

Other sources on negitive keywords:

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Aug 1, 2010

Top 10 SEO Tips

The following tips are not necessarily in order of importance, but are in the order you should consider when building a new website from scratch. My top 10 tips ranked by order of importance for high rankings are displayed elsewhere.

  1. Know your geographic market and ensure your domain has the correct TLD.
    If your primary market is the UK it is important to use a .UK TLD and ideally have your domain hosted on UK based servers.
  2. Include keyword in Domain name (using hyphens if necessary).
    This doesn't mean having a domain name like try to stick to the one hyphen and not read as spammy. A good example is a site that sells wheelchair ramps with the URL of the site being
  3. Create as much content about your products or subject as you can.
    After doing this divide in to 4 or 5 sections (this will help later when creating your navigation structure)
  4. AFTER you have your site content start keyword researching
    There are tools you can use for keyword research; Wordtracker and The Google AdWords Keyword Tool to name but two. I personally use a combination of the Google Keyword Tool, Google LSI and T.J. Common Sense.
  5. Decide on 4 or 5 primary keywords to use as main sub-sections
    Ideally have an idea of 4 or 5 main keywords, call them your Primary Keywords and then try to position secondary keywords with the Primary Word most closely associated with it.
  6. Sit down and sketch out your navigation system
    Put a lot of time in to this and play around until it is right, use Primary Keyword as headers for 5 main Sub-sections and use secondary keywords as headers for content pages under each Primary Keyword.

  7. Re-write content using knowledge previously gained about keywords and phrases
    This doesn't mean totally re-writing and stuffing the page with keywords, it requires writing paragraphs ensuring the right phrases are in the right places but isn't obvious that the phrases are written for the search engines. Do not write too much information on each page and do not stray of in to writing about something else.
  8. Structure each individual page
    With your content rich, keyword balanced page written, you now have to create the page structure. Each page should be seen as an individual website.
    Starting from the top,
    • Page title should reflect the content of the Page ensuring you use the primary keyword for that Page
    • Meta keyword tags, (although not overly important), should list 4 or 5 individual keywords related to the Page you have created.
    • Meta Description tags, this should be a short concise description describing what the Page is about. This is very important as a selling point as you can manipulate the search engines in to displaying this when the person searches for the keyword used in the description. A favourite of mine is "Provides information about the latest KEYWORD now in stock and available online" or words suitable for the product.
    • Avoid bloated code by using external style sheets and minimum coding.
    • Main page layout was previously discussed whilst sketching the navigation system, but it is important that all links are seen by the engines and are using the correct anchor text related to the pages they are pointing too. Avoid using javascipt for links and if you have to use images ensure you use the correct alt attributes. If the page has too many links on it and looks messy this can be overcome by using a combination of css and javascript to create drop down boxes, but should only be used if you know what you are doing. If you have the opposite problem, and want to include links on the page but not necessarily have search engines follow them, this can be achieved using drop down option boxes.
    • With yout general layout and your linking structure sorted you should now sort out your headings. The main page heading of the page should use your Keywords and be in H1 Tags, this should be followed by your most important paragraph, ideally working down the page you should use secondary headers from h2 to h4 (always using the keywords if possible)
    • If you have used images on your page ensure keywords in the Alt attributes, this doesn't mean keyword stuff them but just describe the image using the keyword.
  9. Proof read your completed page and get a 2nd opinion
    With your page completed try and get someone to check it for you to see if it reads to spammy and to see if you have missed out any obvious key phrases that should be on the page.
  10. Construct your site.
    With the previous procedure completed for all pages it's now time to put the site together. Simply use the previously devised linking structure, group similar pages together under appropriate sub headings and ensure all links are active and using correct anchor text.

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Jul 30, 2010

Role Of Link Building In Search Engine Ranking

Link building is one of the many methods of search engine optimization (SEO). Link building is the process of acquiring links from relevant Web sites. Many SEO UK companies offer link building services to clients worldwide.

According to search engines like Google, Yahoo!, and MSN, it is important to have organic links in a Web site. SEO UK experts say effective links in a Web site can have many benefits.

There are two ways to build links: inbound links and outbound links. Inbound links refer to the links coming to your Web site from other sources, whereas outbound links refer to the links contained in your Web site that direct users to different Web sites.

SEO UK companies believe that before opting for link building, we should consider the following:

Who Should Link To You (inbound links)

When seeking sites to link to your Web site, there are certain things to consider:

• Whether they can contend with your Web site

• Does the Web site you are linking is related to your content.

• How search engines rate this Web site.

• How many external links are there in the Web site.

SEO UK professionals believe that while it is good to have links with Web sites that offers the same product or service as you do, it is not advisable to link with you immediate competitors. The best links, which Google and others favor, are the links from Web sites that share related information. These links are considered natural because they provide more information to users.

While accepting link you should consider the page rank of the Web site. With the new Google toolbar, you can see the page rank of the Web site instantly. Linking with a highly ranked Web site is always an advantage because their page rank will complement that of yours.

Next, you should consider how many links are there in the Web site you are linked to. If there are hundreds of other Web sites linked to it, the value of each link will be reduced. The position of the link is also important – whether it is placed in the home page or inner pages, etc.

Who Should You Link To (Outbound links)

You should consider the above criteria for outbound links as well. It is always important to have quality Web sites linked to you. Reciprocal links (two-way links) are not always a good option. The less the number of reciprocal links, the better is it for you.

SEO UK experts say link building should be done to improve the quality of your Web site. The focus of link building services should be to share maximum information to users on their topics of interest. Simultaneously, you can also impress the search engines. A Web site having more useful backlinks scores better in search engine ranking.

Link building can also harm the Web site if done in an unethical manner. Some sites befool search engines by resorting to meaningless link exchange ways among ‘similar-looking’ Web sites. This is called link farming. Search engines punish the Web sites, which fall back to such illegal practices, say SEO UK companies.
by: John Anthony

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Jul 28, 2010

Tips To Generate Traffic From Facebook

There have been several social networking websites which allowed you to be in touch with old friends irrespective of their location and make new friends on the worldwide web to get the most out of it many social networks came and struggled its way up, but none achieved the popularity and awareness such as Facebook.

This is a social networking site with several opportunities such as not only providing you the opportunity to stay in touch with your friends but also provide you an opportunity to market your online business. You can use Facebook to market your products and services to promote your online business and increase traffic to your website.

This is where Search engine marketing helps you to identify the potential resources attached with Facebook. The following tips will help you understand the basics further:

Create an Attractive Profile: Just like your website you need to make your Facebook profile attractive and understandable. Simple information and background of your business will help you to generate more traffic and public awareness. Remember, to keep your profile open to general public as it will make more people to visit and understand the offerings.

Post on Your Wall: This is an opportunity to tell people of the great services or products that they can avail from your online presence and post information to keep them updated for their potential benefit.

Build Network: You have an opportunity to convince people by building a network with your friends and associates who can help you make the most of it within no time. Remember, do not spam or try to push on a thing which is not advised to online users.

Active and Regular: The important part in your Facebook profile would be the active part which has no boundaries no matter how good your profile is posting regularly and actively updating would make the real difference.

Generating traffic has made it easier through Facebook and by pulling the right strings will make the real difference, exercise the above and get the feedback you want for your online presence.


by: Craig Miles



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Jul 26, 2010

SEO Experts

Most search engine optimization strategies fail to reach their goals because they only focus on a limited number of easy and obvious steps. To truly make a successful investment in marketing via Search Engine Optimization it is necessary to make a planned, concerted effort using a complete spectrum of proven methods and practices. To get you started we have compiled a list of what we consider the very basic, bare minimum of SEO approaches every company should take.

Create a full and informative site.Search engines are looking to rank the most informative and relevant sites. You want to be listed as the indisputably #1-ranked flexi-widget expert Make your site the indisputable destination for all information about flexi-widgets. No amount of SEO will help you get a higher ranking more than making your site as exhaustively informative about everything possible to do with your product.

Make sure you build on solid foundations!Too many designers focus all their efforts on a impressive and effective home page. SEO experts know that every page of a well-constructed site will come under the scrutiny of the search engine and therefore deserves just as much focus.

In other words:

• Every page should be properly titled. The title should not only reflect what is found on the page but hopefully contain a keyword or two.

• Meta tags may be in dispute as to their overall effectiveness in regards to certain search engine algorithms, but it never hurts to add more information and keywords to your page, especially since it costs nothing and is never seen by surfers on your site. That said, less can be more. Focus on your primary keywords and only include those that have direct relevance to the page you are tagging. When filling in the Meta Description tag it pays to be succinct and precise. Don't overload this tag with a spammy block of keywords. Write one sentence that describes the page and includes the keyword or words most relevant to the page.

• Remember, search engines rarely if ever resolve JavaScript tags and can't see Flash content at all. Relying on either of these to hold your site together be prepared to see a pretty low page rank ceiling for your site.

• When structuring the text on the page itself use your keywords in powerful and appropriate places, as paragraph headers, text links and in image captions. Do not just stuff keywords into text at random.

• Make sure all images have proper ALT image tags, which include keywords when appropriate.

Show the spider around your web.Every site should have a sitemap for robots and spiders. They are free and indispensable when it comes to getting the most from your SEO.

Site First, Keywords later.You may think you have a good idea what your keywords are but what you think doesn't matter much. If you've got a robust and comprehensive website, let the SEO experts decide what keywords best represent you. A number of services out there, (including Google itself) will do a keyword evaluation of your site for free. It's such a useful resource it'll feel like cheating, but it's not!

All keywords are not created equal.You'll need to pick half a dozen of your top keywords and use them as your primaries. Try and think of them as your 'main characters' in your SEO strategy 'story'. Even though secondary and tertiary keywords are still important (and necessary) it's the primary keywords that the 'audience' really wants to get to know the most about. Use secondary and tertiary keywords in concert with your primary keywords to help create interest in the lower rand keywords as well as providing variety in the instances of your primary keywords.

Your domain should be contain your primary keyword.Sure, Google, Apple and Yahoo don't have to deal with the hassle of doing this but YOU aren't them, so if it's flexi-widgets you are trying to sell is the best domain name for you. Don't overdo it though, is not only clunky but it runs the risk of you getting slammed by negative keyword ranking!

Make sure you have a top level domain for your geographic target market.When selling your services in foreign markets it is essential that you have representation in that country's geographic TLD. E.G. If you want to be highly ranked in Sweden you had better have a .SE domain that resolve to your main page.


by: Kathryn Dawson



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Jul 25, 2010

55 Quick SEO Tips Even Your Mother Would Love

Everyone loves a good tip, right? Here are 55 quick tips for search engine optimization that even your mother could use to get cooking. Well, not my mother, but you get my point. Most folks with some web design and beginner SEO knowledge should be able to take these to the bank without any problem.

1. If you absolutely MUST use Java script drop down menus, image maps or image links, be sure to put text links somewhere on the page for the spiders to follow.

2. Content is king, so be sure to have good, well-written and unique content that will focus on your primary keyword or keyword phrase.

3. If content is king, then links are queen. Build a network of quality backlinks using your keyword phrase as the link. Remember, if there is no good, logical reason for that site to link to you, you don’t want the link.

4. Don’t be obsessed with PageRank. It is just one isty bitsy part of the ranking algorithm. A site with lower PR can actually outrank one with a higher PR.

5. Be sure you have a unique, keyword focused Title tag on every page of your site. And, if you MUST have the name of your company in it, put it at the end. Unless you are a major brand name that is a household name, your business name will probably get few searches.

6. Fresh content can help improve your rankings. Add new, useful content to your pages on a regular basis. Content freshness adds relevancy to your site in the eyes of the search engines.

7. Be sure links to your site and within your site use your keyword phrase. In other words, if your target is “blue widgets” then link to “blue widgets” instead of a “Click here” link.

8. Focus on search phrases, not single keywords, and put your location in your text (“our Palm Springs store” not “our store”) to help you get found in local searches.

9. Don’t design your web site without considering SEO. Make sure your web designer understands your expectations for organic SEO. Doing a retrofit on your shiny new Flash-based site after it is built won’t cut it. Spiders can crawl text, not Flash or images.

10. Use keywords and keyword phrases appropriately in text links, image ALT attributes and even your domain name.

11. Check for canonicalization issues – www and non-www domains. Decide which you want to use and 301 redirect the other to it. In other words, if is your preference, then should redirect to it.

12. Check the link to your home page throughout your site. Is index.html appended to your domain name? If so, you’re splitting your links. Outside links go to and internal links go to

Ditch the index.html or default.php or whatever the page is and always link back to your domain.

13. Frames, Flash and AJAX all share a common problem – you can’t link to a single page. It’s either all or nothing. Don’t use Frames at all and use Flash and AJAX sparingly for best SEO results.

14. Your URL file extension doesn’t matter. You can use .html, .htm, .asp, .php, etc. and it won’t make a difference as far as your SEO is concerned.

15. Got a new web site you want spidered? Submitting through Google’s regular submission form can take weeks. The quickest way to get your site spidered is by getting a link to it through another quality site.

16. If your site content doesn’t change often, your site needs a blog because search spiders like fresh text. Blog at least three time a week with good, fresh content to feed those little crawlers.

17. When link building, think quality, not quantity. One single, good, authoritative link can do a lot more for you than a dozen poor quality links, which can actually hurt you.

18. Search engines want natural language content. Don’t try to stuff your text with keywords. It won’t work. Search engines look at how many times a term is in your content and if it is abnormally high, will count this against you rather than for you.

19. Not only should your links use keyword anchor text, but the text around the links should also be related to your keywords. In other words, surround the link with descriptive text.

20. If you are on a shared server, do a blacklist check to be sure you’re not on a proxy with a spammer or banned site. Their negative notoriety could affect your own rankings.

21. Be aware that by using services that block domain ownership information when you register a domain, Google might see you as a potential spammer.

22. When optimizing your blog posts, optimize your post title tag independently from your blog title.

23. The bottom line in SEO is Text, Links, Popularity and Reputation.

24. Make sure your site is easy to use. This can influence your link building ability and popularity and, thus, your ranking.

25. Give link love, Get link love. Don’t be stingy with linking out. That will encourage others to link to you.

26. Search engines like unique content that is also quality content. There can be a difference between unique content and quality content. Make sure your content is both.

27. If you absolutely MUST have your main page as a splash page that is all Flash or one big image, place text and navigation links below the fold.

28. Some of your most valuable links might not appear in web sites at all but be in the form of e-mail communications such as newletters and zines.

29. You get NOTHING from paid links except a few clicks unless the links are embedded in body text and NOT obvious sponsored links.

30. Links from .edu domains are given nice weight by the search engines. Run a search for possible non-profit .edu sites that are looking for sponsors.

31. Give them something to talk about. Linkbaiting is simply good content.

32. Give each page a focus on a single keyword phrase. Don’t try to optimize the page for several keywords at once.

33. SEO is useless if you have a weak or non-existent call to action. Make sure your call to action is clear and present.

34. SEO is not a one-shot process. The search landscape changes daily, so expect to work on your optimization daily.

35. Cater to influential bloggers and authority sites who might link to you, your images, videos, podcasts, etc. or ask to reprint your content.

36. Get the owner or CEO blogging. It’s priceless! CEO influence on a blog is incredible as this is the VOICE of the company. Response from the owner to reader comments will cause your credibility to skyrocket!

37. Optimize the text in your RSS feed just like you should with your posts and web pages. Use descriptive, keyword rich text in your title and description.

38. Use captions with your images. As with newspaper photos, place keyword rich captions with your images.

39. Pay attention to the context surrounding your images. Images can rank based on text that surrounds them on the page. Pay attention to keyword text, headings, etc.

40. You’re better off letting your site pages be found naturally by the crawler. Good global navigation and linking will serve you much better than relying only on an XML Sitemap.

41. There are two ways to NOT see Google’s Personalized Search results:

(1) Log out of Google

(2) Append &pws=0 to the end of your search URL in the search bar

42. Links (especially deep links) from a high PageRank site are golden. High PR indicates high trust, so the back links will carry more weight.

43. Use absolute links. Not only will it make your on-site link navigation less prone to problems (like links to and from https pages), but if someone scrapes your content, you’ll get backlink juice out of it.

44. See if your hosting company offers “Sticky” forwarding when moving to a new domain. This allows temporary forwarding to the new domain from the old, retaining the new URL in the address bar so that users can gradually get used to the new URL.

45. Understand social marketing. It IS part of SEO. The more you understand about sites like Digg, Yelp,, Facebook, etc., the better you will be able to compete in search.

46. To get the best chance for your videos to be found by the crawlers, create a video sitemap and list it in your Google Webmaster Central account.

47. Videos that show up in Google blended search results don’t just come from YouTube. Be sure to submit your videos to other quality video sites like Metacafe, AOL, MSN and Yahoo to name a few.

48. Surround video content on your pages with keyword rich text. The search engines look at surrounding content to define the usefulness of the video for the query.

49. Use the words “image” or “picture” in your photo ALT descriptions and captions. A lot of searches are for a keyword plus one of those words.

50. Enable “Enhanced image search” in your Google Webmaster Central account. Images are a big part of the new blended search results, so allowing Google to find your photos will help your SEO efforts.

51. Add viral components to your web site or blog – reviews, sharing functions, ratings, visitor comments, etc.

52. Broaden your range of services to include video, podcasts, news, social content and so forth. SEO is not about 10 blue links anymore.

53. When considering a link purchase or exchange, check the cache date of the page where your link will be located in Google. Search for “cache:URL” where you substitute “URL” for the actual page. The newer the cache date the better. If the page isn’t there or the cache date is more than an month old, the page isn’t worth much.

54. If you have pages on your site that are very similar (you are concerned about duplicate content issues) and you want to be sure the correct one is included in the search engines, place the URL of your preferred page in your sitemaps.

55. Check your server headers. Search for “check server header” to find free online tools for this. You want to be sure your URLs report a “200 OK” status or “301 Moved Permanently ” for redirects. If the status shows anything else, check to be sure your URLs are set up properly and used consistently throughout your site.

Richard V. Burckhardt, also known as The Web Optimist, is an SEO trainer based in Palm Springs, CA with over 10 years experience in search engine optimization, web development and marketing.

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Jul 24, 2010

SEO: The Most Complicated Internet Marketing Technique

SEO or search engine optimization is one of the most popular types of Internet marketing techniques used in across the world. Many webmasters, or even just bloggers, have come to use the capabilities of SEO to increase the quality and quantity of visitors visiting their website or blogs. However, though very effective, many have said that SEO is one of the most complicated Internet marketing techniques used in the market today.

What made it complicated, particularly in today’s current trends, is because of the growing competition, in which almost all web development and marketing companies provide SEO services to their clients. Another reason why it became very complicated is because of the ever changing algorithms of search engines, which requires SEO specialists to upgrade their techniques frequently.

SEO of today

According to many experts, such as those from SEO Philippines companies, the SEO industry have changed so much since it was first used in Internet marketing. Many have even said that SEO specialists in the past had it easier compared to what the market has become a short span of time. One popular example of a huge change is the shift of using reciprocal linking to one-way linking.

Reciprocal linking

Reciprocal linking was one of the most popular techniques used in early SEO. It involves creating a mutual link between two objects, commonly between two websites to ensure mutual traffic. One of its most popular method is the use of three-way linking, which involves 3 websites linking with each other (this technique is still used in many SEO campaigns).

However, one problem faced by link builders in that time is that some webmasters, after exchanging links from other websites, would then remove the links in their websites without the knowledge of their linking partners. This would then cause their websites to achieve a one-way link without reciprocating.

However, according to many SEO Philippines experts, this method is considered a violation between websites. Because of this, a number of new techniques have been introduced to avoid this from happening. This is with the use of one-way linking techniques.

One-way linking

One-way linking is a technique which is much more effective compared to reciprocal linking. It is a hyperlink that points to a website without any reciprocal link; thus the link goes "one-way" in direction. Many experts consider this as more “natural” in the eyes of search engines compared to reciprocal linking.

Compared to reciprocal linking, one-way linking involves a number of techniques without having to exchange links between websites. One of the most popular are blog commenting, forum signature, as well as article marketing.

Blog commenting involves leaving comments in blogs or any other publicly accessible discussion boards with links pointing to a website. This technique has become one of the most popular link building technique used in SEO. Forum signatures, however, involves the It is a hyperlink that points to a website without any reciprocal link; thus the link goes "one-way" in direction.

Another technique, article marketing, has now become a very popular method used in SEO because these articles are known to provide high quality links to a website. According to many SEO Philippines experts, the more popular the article gets, the more quality of links it can provide to websites.

Complications of one-way linking in today’s market

Similar to what happened in reciprocal linking, one-way linking have also been abused by many webmasters because of its efficiency to create one-way links to their websites. Blog commenting and forum posting have been under attack by spammers, while article marketing have been duplicated to create more articles across the Internet with links in it.

Because of the ever changing algorithms of search engines, which have now detected the use of duplicate contents and articles, as well as the use of techniques which makes these links ineffective for many search engines, such as the use of the “nofollow” tag in blogs and forums or the use or redirection, SEO has become more and more complicated over the years, even for those that doesn’t use spamming techniques to increase their website’s relevance in search engines.


by Margarette Mcbride



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Jul 23, 2010

8 Quick Steps to High PageRank

In this day and age where competition is so stiff, having a good PageRank for your website to survive in the clutter is very important.
There are several way of doing it but a combination of technique and common sense is what I suggest will take you closer to your target. Getting the help of a professional SEO agency can be the most cost effective solution in the long run, but through sustained effort, you can also achieve a high page rank for your website yourself.

It’s actually quite simple. Follow these 8 simple and quick steps for your website and you will see the result instantly.

Write quality content

The content you write for your website should be informative, unique and relevant. Remember that it is very important to provide fresh but significant information as it goes a long way. Only good content will keep your readers glued to you. Google loves frequent visitors and that is exactly what will give you your desired PageRank.

Optimize your keywords well

This is probably the most difficult part. Targeting the right keywords play a vital role in SEO. So choose your keywords and phrases carefully as it can affect your site’s PRV. The key is to make a list of important keywords and use them cautiously throughout the website.

Create strong backlinks

Try and link to other quality sites similar to yours. Your Google PageRank will automatically increase with the number of good links you have pointing back at your site. However, these inbound and outbound links need to be related because if not, there is a possibility of being penalized by Google.

Make use of directory submissions

Good search engine directory submissions are always healthy for your website. So do some research and submit your site to popular directories to increase your chances of getting listed on popular search engines. They may not be free and so difficult to get but do not stop here. Dig furtherStart writing reviews

This may sound like a waste of time but it can boost your PageRank drastically. Write reviews on anything you like. The trick is to simply add your original link in that review.

Join forums

Forums are great places to associate with a large number of people at the same time. Here you can promote your product, exchange any kind of information and even post your link and refer people to it. You can also add a comment to your URL which will get readers curious and in turn increase traffic to your site. So be active, network as much as possible.

Start your own blog post

Blogging today is more than just a way of expressing your feelings or displaying your creativity. Marketers have realized that blogs attract traffic naturally, so can you! Start your own blog post associated to your website. Encourage people to participate in discussing new ideas, ask questions and offer advice. You will automatically promote your business and see your page rank rising.

Check your internal links and sitemap

Make sure your site is in working condition. Remove or repair broken links if any. Check your sitemap and all internal navigational links. No one likes to visit sites that are misleading.

Position2 is a Search & Social Media Marketing firm that has been providing quality SEO services and continuous growth for all its clients and has had a record of achieving results by way of high page ranks, improved rankings in search results and increased organic traffic.
by: Mary Ann Johnson

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Jul 21, 2010

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Website Optimization is a complex issue, but should be known by every entrepreneur who wants to succeed on the Internet.

According to the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy, optimize is finding the best way to perform an activity. Therefore, optimization of your website would make it comply with the best possible with each of its functions.

Recall that if a site is designed only to achieve success in the Search Engines, better known as search engines will not be successful with users as the machines do not buy, not sell it. If, however, is intended only for individuals, difficult to achieve a good positioning in search engines and users will not find, therefore, not sell. In conclusion, a successful web site must comply with both their functions inevitably related to Search Engines such as those associated with the usability by site visitors.

We have said that anyone wishing to succeed in the Internet market should make a website that is a true "virtual branch." That is, this should be an extension of your company and operate as a local online. For this, the site must achieve the objectives for which it was created, must be compatible with the principles and policies of the Company, be functional and actually transmit useful information to its users.

In order to reach a site that complies with the characteristics listed above, you must have the help of a Web Optimizer you know how that site should work and how to achieve it.

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